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Little Chef

Young woman in a wheelchair, a little white dog

reminiscent of my Henry tethered along beside.

A service dog she trained herself to fetch things

for her and do whatever else perhaps open

the blinds in the morning close them at night

do the laundry maybe even the dishes maybe

cook up an omelet now and then or pancakes

flipping them one by one onto a blue plate.

I could picture my Henry doing so oh yes

and wearing a chef’s hat too standing on a

stool by the stove his bright adoring eyes

watching over all.

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Painting the Sunrise

So now there is a woman with a brain tumor

who ever after paints the sunrise every every day

up before dawn to paint the sunrise for whatever reason

this thing in her brain has wrought this change and

changed her life’s direction to record this small

beginning the relentless never flagging sun waking

the sleeping world day after day and she along with it

painting and painting again and painting again.

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A Boy Named X

The art-loving boy called X (for Xavier)

nine years old, glasses, wheatstraw hair,

came by again and again to chat

speaking each time of his father but

where was the mother I wanted to know

(dreaded to know) of whom no word

was ever spoken.  One couldn’t escape

noticing his liking to chat with a

motherly old soul and perfect stranger.

One had to wonder.  One hoped

for the best noting that he did seem

a happy boy, a self-directed boy,

affable, good head on two shoulders.

One hoped.  One wanted so much already

for the likable, sweet, art-loving nine years old

boy who went by the name of X.

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You are receiving she said

my friend who knows things and I

do feel that wisps of things float

about wanting to be welcomed

and if so do drift down and settle

and that of late bits and tufts have

sifted through my open window

of late I say and it seems a revelation

to have it put in three words that way

and so I vow further to keep my

windows open to whatever might

want to drop by and say hello.

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The thing is this:  a person sitting at a table

eating a peach maybe a small bowl of rice

various thoughts and ideas traveling through her brain

suddenly realizes that every other person

too has a brain occupied in more or less

the same way the difference being that

whatever riffles through one remains

shuttered up unbudging in another or

yet becomes tangled in a sort of chaos

in still an Other and so on differing

to the point of mystery

so that each to the other is only

a map of a territory at best

which gives no indication of

what the houses there are like

who lives in them

what they’ve planted in their yards

how narrow or wide their streets are

and whether or not their loved children

are safe to play and wander as they’d like.


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More Delight

A glass of grace sits before me

cardinal on the branch

morning’s cool breath

sunlight dappling the leaves

and I do believe that if I

drink up the crisp cold sparkle of it

gratefully however wantonly

my glass will be filled again and again

and yet again the trick being that

the more delight I accept

the more will be given.

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The other night I woke to my two dogs

barking incessantly from the foot of my bed

the catalyst a large white-tailed deer

standing at the corner of the yard

clearly debating what to do about

all the fences everywhichwhere

among the yards on my street.

What to do where to go what to do

which way to jump whether to jump at all.

I too am unsure what to do where to go

how to get there once I figure it all out

fences of another kind blocking.

But unlike that deer I have

short legs and am not much

of a one for jumping.