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Dog Love

Sunless soaked day finds me at home

(where I belong) one day early

prisoner released for good behavior

remanded to the custody of my two dogs

whose unkempt curly faces shower me

with love I may not deserve.  But wait,

hold on there, I take that back.  No matter

what or who, we all deserve the particular

love of dogs.

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Bad Sleep

Though the bed is lovely I tossed and turned

amongst the pristine covers the poufy pillows

no dogs inhibiting my movements on the vast

landscape of this bed just and only for me

captain of my lone ship in this home away

from home.  Yes, I slept badly, woke so often

hoping desperately I’d drift off on the gentle

rocking waves of sleep and so I did.

Again and again and again.

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Little Joke

Eleventh day of the tenth month of the 2012th year–10-11-12.

Clearly a day of order, of one thing following another,

first things first, second things second and so on.

Logical sequence, step by step, one foot in front

of the other–10-11-12.  Ta ta ta ta, four four time,

four beats to a measure, quarter note gets one beat

beat by beat by beat by beat.  Common Time.

All’s well that ends well, all in good time,

a timely entrance, an untimely end

(because 7-8-9).

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98th Birthday

My mother would be ninety-eight today

if she’d struggled through these nearly three

more years.  I do not wish that on her, no.

She lived far too long as it was, longer

than she bargained for, though not as long

as our Great Aunt Irene, who was 104

when she died.  Or was it 105?

I’ve allowed myself a few seconds

to imagine what that might be like.

Forty more years beyond these sixty?

The thought of it exhausts me even now.

No, my mother set her goal plenty high.

Twenty more years will give me all the time

I want, all I’ll ever need and I imagine my

mother would approve.

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Poems float above my head just out of reach

and though I can touch some pretty words

(peppered besotted bauble dangle)

they fly away before I manage

to pull them together, wanting

I can only guess, to stay free.

And no amount of coaxing will bring

them together, not today, not by me.

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Go & Do

Windows shuttered against the cold one hears

so little at least at this late morning hour

when the birds have finished their early morning

chorus and all others have gone about their

quotidian business of work and school, etc.,

while I sit up amongst the walnut leaves

reluctant to go and do, knowing that

going and doing will be rewarding,

knowing that every piece of this chilly

bright autumn day could be terribly rewarding

oh so knowing it and feeling it and already

convinced beyond one little straw of that

and so, go and do I shall.

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The Promise

Sun pours through the window of this pricey hotel

burning frost off the glass, making a cheerful promise

that today will be less brutal than the two before:

artists huddling miserably layered in clothing and

blankets in open tents, hoping someone might brave

the cold to buy something nice for their home knowing

the odds of this happening are very slim indeed.

We dream of bathtubs and beds, waiting, hapless.


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The cold the cold creeping into bones

(no matter the layers of clothing and

subcutaneous fat of which we rant)

as we sit or stand for hours on end

in this one place, a long sunless day

into evening no end in sight wondering

why on earth in God’s name in hell

we ever thought this might be a pleasant

way to earn our keep.  The minutes creep by

along with all thoughts of remuneration

replaced by the simple desires for hot tea,

a warm bed, a scalding tub in which to soak.

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To Dance

Oh to dance!  One feels that all of life’s little defeats

might be packed off to boarding school to do their

mischief far far away if only there were dancing

wild and true from the very core of one’s being

heads thrown back hatted or bare in wild abandon

dancing of the variety that invites all to close their

weary eyes throw off the heavy coat of inhibition

and under the night sky draw down the lights of stars.