A new wind blows at this week’s end
and all’s well and all is swell
but I must go and when I do
I will wish to come and spy on you
and find you laughing and merry
my dear Mary.
A new wind blows at this week’s end
and all’s well and all is swell
but I must go and when I do
I will wish to come and spy on you
and find you laughing and merry
my dear Mary.
Mary and I
are free today
to do as we please
when we want
slow or fast
here or there
willy or nilly
to and fro
yes or no
just just so
on this Tues of day
this month of May
merry May Mary
and me.
Home from a healing visit with my sister
my two dogs sprawled across my lap.
I slept in my mother’s old room
tender memories lifting umbrella’d
into the arching vaulted spaces of my brain
my sister and I again our soft familiar selves
oh yes there you are and how I’ve missed you!
no longer separated by whatever sharp edges
had torn and scraped at us now comfortably
companionable once again in that old way
we both had missed more even than we realized.