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If I could whistle up a charm

for us I’d make my mouth

into a small perfect oh

and then fingers crossed

toes firmly planted

eyes closed (for conjuring)

put my whole soul and heart

behind one long breath blown

evenly through that oh

and then you and I

would stand hushed

as the pretty little

goodnesses sprinkled down

all over us like pink sugar

on two happy cupcakes.

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A Goal

In vain I try the length of my rambles

to learn a skill I failed to grasp in

childhood or ever beyond a thing

Others seem to have come by

without effort as easily as I learned

to tie my shoes skip a rope

a simple thing it seems and my

son laughs dumbfounded as I

fail at this simple thing I want to do.

Ohing and oohing, blowing and

whooshing pursing pouting pushing

and barely a sound issues forth.

But I have a goal and I continue

gamely on.  Before the year is out

I will whistle.