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Lent begins today, forty days of sacrifice.

On Ash Wednesday as uniformed girls in

Catholic school we were given

boxes with forty pockets meant

to hold forty nickels. If we managed

to fill all of the pockets with nickels

we were entitled to purchase and name

a pagan baby!  What an extravagant prize!

A child a human being (even a pagan)

is by any measurement quite a prize.

My sister dutifully gave up her nickels

in exchange for a document

certifying that she had indeed

purchased and named a pagan baby.

She named the pagan baby Kathleen Marie

after me. Handily, all of us schoolchildren

had also learned to baptize any hapless

pagans in the unlikely event we

encountered one in Real Life.

My own nickels likely went the way

of Hershey’s semi-sweet chocolate bars.

I was never much good at Lent.

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Dry Winter

This day so blustery and white of sky
thick with clouds damp of air is
purported to be mostly sunny
a bright yellow image pictured thus
accompanied by a balmy temperature
and yet a thoughtful glance at both the 
calendar and the real world suggests 
snow falling thickly in piles and drifts 
mountains of it covering All
a thing we have not seen once
in this winter of 2011-2012
a milquetoast winter if ever
there has been one.

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A Goal

In vain I try the length of my rambles

to learn a skill I failed to grasp in

childhood or ever beyond a thing

Others seem to have come by

without effort as easily as I learned

to tie my shoes skip a rope

a simple thing it seems and my

son laughs dumbfounded as I

fail at this simple thing I want to do.

Ohing and oohing, blowing and

whooshing pursing pouting pushing

and barely a sound issues forth.

But I have a goal and I continue

gamely on.  Before the year is out

I will whistle.

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Two Years Ago

Two years ago this day I brought
my handsome silverblack dog home
to start a life with me and here
he lies curled up beside me
beautiful young chap whose name
(given by my friend who died
five months later my friend whose
need led me to him) suits his
personality to a T.  Imminently
imperturbable eager to please
pleasantly eager loving friendly
sweet-tempered mild-mannered

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Who was that little bird I heard
its clear voice calling He’s he-ere!
across and back through the trees
to a like-minded other who called
it back again and again?
I had no good sighting but committed
the sound to memory with those words.
He’s he-ere!  Now I hear Teacher Teacher Teacher
outside my window, my clumsy ears
converting the calls of birds to 
human words. In like manner we
interpret each other’s words as we
see fit, right or not and if not
oh what trouble we bring
upon ourselves.

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A high heel shoe

a dress of blue

a heart that’s true

a me and a you.

Poems in a book

a stolen look

a dare we took

sitting by a brook.

A bright sunny day

the month of May

boats on the bay

a will and a way.

A plate of cake

plans we’ll make

vows to take

never to break.

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Home from a healing visit with my sister
my two dogs sprawled across my lap.
I slept in my mother’s old room
tender memories lifting umbrella’d
into the arching vaulted spaces of my brain
my sister and I again our soft familiar selves
oh yes there you are and how I’ve missed you!
no longer separated by whatever sharp edges
had torn and scraped at us now comfortably
companionable once again in that old way
we both had missed more even than we realized.