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Hopes & Dreams

Hanging onto my hat I leap towards

my life’s next appointment not knowing

quite where or with whom figuring

I will recognize it when I get there

I will hear my name called

feel the rightness of the moment

and breathless with anticipation

jump to my feet holding out my

hopes and dreams like a sheaf

of papers in a folder.

Here, I will say.  Take these.

I have another copy.

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MidWinter’s Eve

Party day for me and Most

is ready, enough is ready

that I can sit listening to

the creak of the house

with rain the far-off siren

my dogs’ sighing breaths

the melodious blue jay

the cogs of my brain turning

and connecting ticking off

what needs to be done

enjoying the thing of


a lovely feeling marred

only by the terrible news

of a friend whose


stops her cold

in her tracks.