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Hopes & Dreams

Hanging onto my hat I leap towards

my life’s next appointment not knowing

quite where or with whom figuring

I will recognize it when I get there

I will hear my name called

feel the rightness of the moment

and breathless with anticipation

jump to my feet holding out my

hopes and dreams like a sheaf

of papers in a folder.

Here, I will say.  Take these.

I have another copy.

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Angry Crows

A racket of crows punctuated by the long cries

of a hawk filled the sky from early morning until past noon.

The hawk had caught a crow and each time it ventured out

of its nest was assailed by the whole angry lot of them.

Such a noise such a wild chase, all simply for survival.

Oh sure we want that too–not just to see another day

but to see our grandchildren grow, our gardens bloom,

our dreams come true, our hearts opened by love.

We want to watch the moon rise, see a thousand sunsets,

visit the Grand Canyon, be witness to our lives, maybe

find a cure for cancer, unlock the secret to world peace.

And in our way we are just as noisy about it

as a gaggle of angry crows.

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The Angels

Bone deep exhaustion landed me

in bed before nine with a wild

wind for my lullaby and now I’ll

go out of my self and out of my

house into the world wondering

what I might see or hear or do

on this impeccably particular day

what might appear arise

accost my senses

hurl me forth to imaginings

of tall ships and elephants

sights unseen dreams undreamed

a cortege of angels following

wordlessly above hovering

thither and yon traversing and travailing

waxing silently poetic about

whomever whatever

and whyever not.