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Weary of striving, the pretty picture, the fond

hope of this time, this time and having sent

my heart forth, cap in hand again and again only

to see it trudge back bedraggled I feel finally

ready in this last third of life to settle quietly

into the softness of the days, armchair traveler,

cup of tea, steadfast friends, feasting on the

imperfect pleasures of a simple life

tasting the exquisite grandeur

of contentment.


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Fine Tuning

Do we ever (let’s just think about this)

truly understand one another or are we

always just a half step off key however

unknowingly a shade sharp a little flat

missing a beat or two maybe a whole bar

perhaps even changing from

three four to four four and while we’re at it

putting our own fine tuning to dynamics

(maybe a crescendo just there)

altering the tempo to suit the mood

adding an introduction perhaps a coda

writing variations on the theme or

what the heck changing the theme itself

ultimately hearing a tune that is no longer

the other’s but fully our own.