It seems a tender little bit of something
to begin a new year on a Sunday
the first day of any week
in any month of any old year
a small symmetry that might
bode well as I like to think
plus my two dogs lie here lovingly
however uncharacteristically
legs over legs entwined suggesting
if I care to read it so (& let me say
right here that I do)
a quantity of forbearance
if not love not to mention that this day
is as sunlit and radiant as any
spring or summer day suggesting
grace and light to come
and in addition the wind does blow
something fierce meaning
(of course) that
ships’ sails will fill and billow
truths will be declared
angels sing in full chorus
as God whispers
recondite secrets to the trees.
Ah yes. This wind that sun
those dogs this Sunday
all signs point
to an extraordinary year.