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Early Light

I rise early, and I would say it’s because I love seeing the sun rise, but at this time of year that is mostly hidden from my view by big trees full of leaves. So it would be more accurate to say that I love that very early light coming through the trees and lighting up the leaves, making of them a bright green translucent filter. And behind them, the amazing blue sky. This, to me, is magical. I could look and look and look from my bedroom window for a very long time while easing into the day.

This is a thing that makes me reluctant to get up out of bed, on those kinds of days. No, that is not quite right. It makes me both reluctant and eager to get up out of bed. For out of bed, there are walks that allow me to see that beautiful slanting light pouring through all kinds of other leaves, trees, spaces and places, creating long shadows and offering up more and other magical sights.

It truly is, though, a thing that makes me reluctant to do anything other than sit and look or walk and look and take photos. And when the morning is cool and lovely, I much prefer an easy walk with one or more dogs, with or without another person, over anything else. You won’t find me terribly eager to go and play pickleball during that magic time, even though I love to play. The early light is so short-lived! And so are we. And the older I get, the more important it feels to me to take my time, not rush, soak all of that up, and live a balanced, contented life.

My eyes need to feast on the light. My brain needs the energy of it to do all of the tiny and grand things our brains constantly have to do. My heart needs it for joy and love. For I fall in love with many, many little things on these nice slow mornings and that makes me happy.

“But I also say this: that light is an invitation to happiness, and that happiness, when it’s done right, is a kind of holiness, palpable and redemptive. ”
– Mary Oliver

If you’re looking for my cards or art, you’ll find all of that on my website. And if you enjoy these letters, feel free to forward this one to anyone you think might like it. Finally, you’ll find past letters and poems here.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. MerryThoughts is the name of my first book, out of print at the moment. The word is a British one, referring both to a wishbone and to the ritual of breaking the wishbone with the intention of either having a wish granted or being the one who marries first, thus the “merry thoughts.”

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Often when I’m walking in the woods early in the morning I’ve been struck by how different things look as I’m walking east (towards the sun) as opposed to with the sun at my back. Leaves all lit up with sunlight beaming through them are beautiful and veiny and bright as I’m approaching from the west. But as soon as I’ve passed them and I turn to look back, they’ve changed back into their ordinary selves, at least, as ordinary as a leaf can be. That beautiful glow is gone. Their shapes, however nice, do not make my eyes widen with their brilliance.

Same leaves from the other direction

Often when I’m walking in the woods early in the morning I’ve been struck by how different things look as I’m walking east (towards the sun) as opposed to with the sun at my back. Leaves all lit up with sunlight beaming through them are beautiful and veiny and bright as I’m approaching from the west. But as soon as I’ve passed them and I turn to look back, they’ve changed back into their ordinary selves, at least, as ordinary as a leaf can be. That beautiful glow is gone. Their shapes, however nice, do not make my eyes widen with their brilliance.

“I knew life began where I stood in the dark, looking out into the light.”

– Yusef Komunyakaa

On the other hand, isn’t it cozy and warming to have the sun at your back? And don’t you see better when the sun is not in your eyes? And isn’t it rather inspiring to see your shadow cast as tall as can be, making you feel like you could do anything at all? Hmm. As usual, nothing is black or white. And that’s a good thing, I think.

“Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark. That’s where the most important things come from.” – Rebecca Solnit

Which way do we choose to look at any given moment and what difference will that make in what we see?

If you’re looking for my cards or art, you’ll find all of that on my website. And if you like this letter, you’ll find past letters and poems on my blog.

It’s nice for me to think of you out there, reading this. I hope your day is filled with both light and dark.

Thanks for listening,

P.S. MerryThoughts is the name of my first book, out of print at the moment. The word is a British one, referring both to a wishbone and to the ritual of breaking the wishbone with the intention of either having a wish granted or being the one who marries first, thus the “merry thoughts.”

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Fog covers the town this morning

a not usual thing for us and thus notable.

But what shall I do with that fact besides

note it, write it down, perhaps make a poem

of the moodiness, the hiddenness, the mystery?

Love it, I suppose.  Just love it along with each

other turn of nature: the pour of rain, the fall

of snow, the sprinkling of stars, the beams of sun.

All worth noting, all worthy of love.

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Sun shoots of a sudden

right into my eye

reminding me of all

that lies beyond the window

out there where birds fly and I

must attend to the very

important matters of

stone leaf creek and flower

leaving behind the trivial

business of money and taxes

for at least one fat hour.

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Leaving the Bed

And what shall we do

and whom shall we tell

when we do it and when

ever might we return

from the doing and the telling?

And why must we go and do

why must we ever leave

the poufs and puffs of pillows

the piles of down and feathers

the coze and careless comfort

of cotton silk and flannel

of tea and toast of the Lovely Sun

pressing against windows

wanting only to please come in

spread her skirts over the small

house and touch us gently with her

slender fingers?

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No Sun

No sun today no tiny speck of sun

that is to say no ball or ray that I can see

just piles and piles miles and miles

of cloud looking so heavy one

would think it might all fall

to the earth at any moment in

giant blobs and blankets


lying heavily over All

stopping All in our tracks

offering a perfectly good excuse

for eating sleeping and reading

this whole day right away.

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It seems a tender little bit of something
to begin a new year on a Sunday
the first day of any week 
in any month of any old year 
a small symmetry that might 
bode well as I like to think
plus my two dogs lie here lovingly
however uncharacteristically 
legs over legs entwined suggesting
if I care to read it so (& let me say 
right here that I do)
a quantity of forbearance 
if not love not to mention that this day
is as sunlit and radiant as any
spring or summer day suggesting
grace and light to come
and in addition the wind does blow
something fierce meaning
(of course) that
ships’ sails will fill and billow
truths will be declared
angels sing in full chorus
as God whispers 
recondite secrets to the trees.  
Ah yes.  This wind that sun
those dogs this Sunday
all signs point 
to an extraordinary year.