Judging by the title of this page and the content, it would seem that I have had no thoughts since February, or at least none worth publishing. I will try to do better in the future. Anyway . . .
I was just sitting out on my narrow deck watching the birds with my sweet black poodle, Miles, reflecting on his beautiful temperament, which even as dogs go, with their loving ways, is exceptional, and I said to him, “You have a beautiful soul, Miles.” And then it suddenly dawned on me that I, too, must have a beautiful soul, as must every human, though we are encumbered by our various personality traits and flaws and peccadillos, so that we stumble and falter, hurt each other and ourselves, hide our own perfection with ego and striving for love and recognition (love), and I realized that all the things I don’t like about myself are really nothing to do with my soul, which really is most likely just as light and pure as Miles’ unencumbered one. Mine is and everybody else’s, too. Whew! If I could just keep that in my brain all the time, from here on out . . .