God or Nature has given us
a cloudy wet morning and I
will take that happily today
I’ll take it all happily even
the painful catch in my neck
the awful smells of my two dogs
the ache in my elbow
the roof that persistently leaks
for whatever reason I cannot know
for I have climbed over a hump
a hillock really that once seemed
a cliff with only a jumping-off
place on the other side
climbed over it to find of all things
bluebells! violets purple and white
(and even yellow) two box turtles
one large one half grown
a flutter of chickadees
a merry creek rolling on and on
never giving up never saying
Oh I have so had it with these rocks
this fallen tree that bend those two ducks!
but going on as a creek will do
just because that is what
a creek will do and so
if you please
will I.