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I’ve come home, it seems.

Returned again to the place of my heart

where I’ve wandered before

with my stalwart companion.

The place where my spirit soars

and his runs free, ears flying.

I wonder, if I could no longer walk

for whatever reason

whether I might find such a place

within myself.

Could I, would I rise to the challenge?

People do, I’m told.  They rise.

People break and yet carry on.

Could I?  Or rather, would I?

I pray to the trees, the creek and the dawn,

the chickadee, the kingfisher and the heron

that I never need learn the answer.

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Out for a Walk

My stalwart companion, Miles Louis

Now that the weather is chillier, I’m taking my dog Miles out to a nature area that we love to roam. In the summer, we do neighborhood leash walks to avoid Death By Copperhead. Both kinds of walks and really, every kind of walk can be wonderful, I feel. But I have to say that my heart and spirit feel much freer in the woods, where Miles can be off-leash and we each go along at our own pace, I stopping to take photos or drink in some humble but beautiful little sight and he fulfilling the baser desires that drive the common (or, in his case, exceptional) dog.

A walk can repair the damages of the day or start the day off splendidly. I prefer early morning but I can see the poetry of walking in the gathering light of evening, too. 

I recently left a job I’d been doing for six and a half years, a fulfilling job but one for which my energy had flagged. Now I have no morning deadlines; I have all the time I want for lolling in bed with my cup of tea, pen & paper, my two dogs pressed warmly against me. I have time to meditate, too, a thing that I never quite managed to fit into my routines. Now I rise whenever I’m satisfied that I’ve had enough of that perfect time, whenever I’ve said all I need to say on paper or, sometimes, when my dogs convince me it’s time to get going.

And then, I walk. I walk in town with both dogs, a shortish walk to accommodate Rufus, the older, smaller of the two, and then a long, wandering walk in the woods with Miles. We discovered that the creek trail is beautifully clear and well maintained, which it never used to be. Fallen trees have had chunks cut out of them for the trail to go through. Invasive bush honeysuckle is being removed. The creek gurgles along next to us as we trundle along, free as two birds.

This freedom is a luxury and I am grateful for it. Of course, it does mean less of the other kinds of luxuries, the ones that are bought with money. But I’m trying to be grateful for all of the simple luxuries in my life. I don’t always succeed but mostly, underneath the complaints, I do.

I only went out for a walk & finally concluded to stay out till sundown. For going out, I found, was really going in. – John Muir

This card, BD148 Life Well Lived available at

If you’re interested in my cards or art, you’ll find all of that on my website.

It’s nice for me to think of you out there, reading this. I hope you have the chance to go for a walk, with or without a dog. Of course, with is best, to my mind. 

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Baby Squirrel

In the rough crook of the old walnut tree lies a baby squirrel

looking over the vast green world he has come into

just outside the hidey hole where he was born.

From my bedroom window I have a perfect view

of him enjoying his perfect view of leaf and branch

studying for future purposes the possible ways

down and up across and back from where he lives

routes he will one day take when he’s a wee bit bigger

landing him most likely somewhere in the vicinity of

my red dog in a game of chase that he will always

always win.

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Little Chef

Young woman in a wheelchair, a little white dog

reminiscent of my Henry tethered along beside.

A service dog she trained herself to fetch things

for her and do whatever else perhaps open

the blinds in the morning close them at night

do the laundry maybe even the dishes maybe

cook up an omelet now and then or pancakes

flipping them one by one onto a blue plate.

I could picture my Henry doing so oh yes

and wearing a chef’s hat too standing on a

stool by the stove his bright adoring eyes

watching over all.

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I do not like money and there’s the rub

the reason, I imagine, that I do not have it.

However I do like Things and that includes

of course the things money cannot buy but

also those it can, for example

party dresses and fancy shoes

windows that slide up and down

open and close

doors that shut properly


airline tickets

bottles of champagne

books baubles chocolates in boxes

a roof that never leaks

and oh if I had a bit more money

maybe just one more dog.