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He is an old dog, my vet said.

He’s only eleven! I cried.

He is in his 70s, she countered.

But.  But but but.  

I had so many objections.  

He is my hale and hearty dog

my stalwart companion

the one with the jaunty step

the fearless explorer of woods & creek

my role model for flat-out joy 

my Tigger

my heart.

How could he, like me,

have a decrepit neck?

I take Social Security. Medicare.

But he!   He is only eleven.

Just yesterday he killed a snake!

We have yet to go camping.

He hasn’t seen the ocean.

I still have his baby tooth.

He is only eleven.

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Thanksgiving Day and my sweet black dog

wakes me just in time to see the miracle of

sunrise a stunning display of orange pink blue

on this morning, the dawn itself so ephemeral

that as I drift a moment or two, poof! the

brilliance has passed.  Left with what could

be termed normal if such a word applies to

anything as miraculous as morning, I rise

to make my tea and the dogs go out into

the yard as if no magic has occurred.

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The Bad Incident

We’ll not go to the woods today

my stalwart dogs and I

yesterday’s bad incident

having given me the heebie jeebies

and I having made what I believe

to be every possible mistake

cannot quite resolve the thing.

I’d like the other dog banned

from our favorite place

shipped off to a farm

somewhere far from here.

I’d like to rest plainly in the knowledge

that every mean-spirited dog would be

rebuffed from us by an invisible forcefield

radiating out in a comfortable golden circle

of protection forever & ever.


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Longest closest best view of the great blue heron

perched on the arm of a dead tree still

reaching out over the creek like a beggar.

My dogs crashed about, loose, I not wanting

to call them lest I frighten away that magnificent bird.

Oh I suppose they are commonly enough seen

around here and that particular one I’ve spotted

just there at that bend in the creek many times.

Nevertheless the longest closest best view ever

is a thing to celebrate.

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In the mornings we go to the woods

my two dogs and I and I

stay on the paths but they

plunge in and out of brush

and bramble picking up

on their curly coats all

manner of burr and briar

sticktight and sticker.

In the evenings my son

and I take turns plucking

all of the bits carefully off.

By bedtime they are picked clean

ready to start all over again next morning.


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Autumn Contemplation

Fall approaches

Beckons the reclusive life

holed up in my house with

dogs, shut the doors,

draw the curtains.

Self-contained here in

our small home

shortened days

mysterious nights

Contemplate a move

up north Canada or Scotland

Shut out the damp with

a neat little fire

Wander new woods and bogs

walking stick in hand

two dogs racing ahead

Return home to our quiet

place and in the evening

patch ourselves together

into a living breathing quilt.

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Finding Out

Still and dark with only crickets for conversation

a pink pocket of light appears above the trees.

So something is happening after all.

Now comes another pink ribbon drawn

through the blue dress of sky followed by

another and another and the lightening.

Lovely dawn making its slow, inimitable way

into the town and across my windows.

Comes another day.  Holding what?

Holding what for us in its open palms?

We shall leave this room, my dogs and I,

and find out.

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Woodpecker and Heron

Pileated woodpecker sat just there high up

in a tree very near our path and I crept along

hoping for a better and better view

my dogs wondering at my stealthy self.

We’ve seen a great blue heron every day

for five in a row at the bend of the creek

my dogs ahead of me always so that I

only catch a glimpse of her lifting up

and away, off immediately beyond

anyplace I can see.  Miles chases.

The heron, like the Canada geese, is

tantalizing to him though what he would do

if he caught up to her I cannot know.

What would I, having caught up to

that one dream, do then with my ever

hopeful heart?

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And so we trip along the paths of wood and meadow

taking in everything, the call of the pileated woodpecker

sending a ruffle of ahhhhh! through my body

the light in the trees the cool touch of the morning air

the rasping of cicadas, the scampering of my two dogs

the wild devotion with which they apply themselves

to this quotidian place as if they have never ever ever been

here before, as if every leaf and stem is brand new

as if Life itself has just this moment burst open in them

and sent them rocketing down the path.


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Dog People

He stopped short of saying he likes dogs better than people

as if any of us standing there in the midst

of that pile of dogs would take offense

as if anyone was taking note keeping track

totting up points for or against rather than

remaining ever so busy in our minds’ eyes

comparing our own dogs favorably

against all the others.