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Leaving the Nest

Young hawk has left the nest perhaps

only for a trial flight but I hear it crying

at the front of the house this morning.

When Peter stood for the first time

on his own clinging to the edge of the

toy box he turned to me with a look of

panic at what he had done.  What now?

his small face seemed to ask.

A writer I admire died last night

left this world I hope without panic

though she loved all that it held.

I hold now to her earlier advice

about knowing what you love so

that you can do a great deal of it.

Peter now moves easily through the world

India China Africa Iceland Europe.

The hawk will one day leave the nest forever

soar and wheel as its parents do now.

And I?  I will continue to write.

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Crows peck and hector a red-tailed hawk

but I fret over a friend who has closed a door

shut herself for whatever reason I cannot know.

I step carefully asking but even still

closed shuttered locked I won’t be told.

I have witlessly lost a friend unlike the hawk

who never had one never cared to but I

whatever I have done however I have changed

gone wrong disappointed failed to please

the result is all that’s clear.  I am no hawk

and I’ve lost a friend.

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Angry Crows

A racket of crows punctuated by the long cries

of a hawk filled the sky from early morning until past noon.

The hawk had caught a crow and each time it ventured out

of its nest was assailed by the whole angry lot of them.

Such a noise such a wild chase, all simply for survival.

Oh sure we want that too–not just to see another day

but to see our grandchildren grow, our gardens bloom,

our dreams come true, our hearts opened by love.

We want to watch the moon rise, see a thousand sunsets,

visit the Grand Canyon, be witness to our lives, maybe

find a cure for cancer, unlock the secret to world peace.

And in our way we are just as noisy about it

as a gaggle of angry crows.