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Placing myself on a long quiet strip of land and sand

somewhere, Cape Cod, Maine, Newfoundland

some beach, some rocky shore removed, remote.

I remember two late summer days spent alone

on the farthest tip of Cape Cod, the quiet,

the breakwater of huge stones arcing out

into the sea leading to a spit of land that

when the tide came in would be covered over

the frisson of danger as I stepped across

the elegance of the flat square stones underfoot

the luxury of being alone in that place

taking my own time, needing neither

to come nor go nor eat nor drink by

another’s lights, clock, whim or desire

needing nothing at all but that exact place in

that perfect time with only the sea and the shore

for company a beginning I did not recognize then

for what it was–the graceful commencement of my present.

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This Moment

This time this moment this now

of deluxe wild blissful contentment

I can put down to nothing in particular:

the unquestionable isness of it

the unabashed mmmm of it humming

warmly in my festooned heart

waltzing its way down to my toes

jiving up and out to the ends

of each grey and brown hair

on my one and only head

not to mention along the way

sparking up a plethora

of sweet little cells pockets

molecules neurons and protons

all smooshed delicately together

through choo-choo train tunnels of

veins and arteries carrying all

manner of whatnot to where

it once and for all belongs

smack dab squarely

in this luscious time

this delightful moment

this yummy


