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Hunting for Morels

In vain I searched for morels knowing

nothing, a large sack slung across my chest

large enough to carry more mushrooms

than likely exist in this entire county.

Found instead two small clutches

of Dutchmen’s breeches so darling

looking just so like tiny white pantaloons

hung on a line to dry puffed out by a spring breeze.

And a pair of mallards on the creek

husband and wife as is the way of

mallards enjoying (one can only hope)

the quiet wet day.

Geese flew over honking.

Dogs chomped on dripping grass.

And I?  I drank up the drizzly

romantic morning despite my large

empty sack.

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My Moody Friend

She could be harsh sometimes cruel

like the character in the book we discussed

in book club, negative ugly judging.

But she had extraordinary qualities too

a capacity for loving and accepting

the quirks of those she loved that

far outstripped my own

the playfulness of a child

a consummate sense of humor

a genius for voices accents mimicry

incredible talent with words.

Slammed the phone down in

my ear more times than I can number

and yet I counted myself lucky

to say she was my friend.

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Rainy morning following a rainy night

and the little creek where my young sons

played recklessly rubber rafting after

a storm, shooting under the street

to come out on the other side

now rushes by without them.

In the woods lately my dogs

have been troubling the rotting

carcass of a snapping turtle caught

in the roots of a creek-bound tree.

I hope this steady rain has

whooshed it on downstream

making one less spot for me to avoid

out there where creatures lay just

as they’ve fallen

without ceremony

or marker.

For three weeks now in those woods

a cross, flowers and candles

have stood guard over the memory

of a young girl younger by far

than all my sons who seems

to have flung her life away

from atop the bluff

all her hope somehow

fallen to none.

And just that morning I

anticipating the return home

of my two far-flung sons

had wandered with my dogs

in our carefree way

those very woods

where that girl sought

solace by choosing

an end to the only thing

we ever truly own.

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Windows open this first day of spring

the cool air whispering truths in

a language I cannot puzzle out.

Vernal sky layered with soggy clouds

considers yet another downpour.

On the path I saw one and then another

box turtle coated with mud from a deep sleep.

I long to see the place that kept them safe

all winter, to see their eggs and the

babies hatching out into a place both

strange and somehow familiar before

plodding off into the mystery and

delight of the world already knowing

what to do and how to do it while

I, after sixty years wandering,

continue to stumble bumping

into boulders tripping

over roots and stumps.

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Do Let’s

Do let’s yes

eat like dogs

sing like frogs

sprung from

muddy bogs

hop on logs

sprightly lightly

ever so brightly

relieve of sadness

believe in gladness

innocent madness

loosen all whooshing all

tumbledown townsfull

accept abet never regret

bedazzling bewildering

passing by passers






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Flicker calls loudly raps hard

on someone’s tree trying

to pass itself off as a

pileated woodpecker when

anyone who’s been fooled

a hundred times before (me)

will dismiss it with a quick

roll of the eyes, Oh please.

Why try to be something you’re not?

We all do at some point in time.

The poet says longing and not

knowing are signs of growth

even yearning for what we

cannot name.  Soon I will be

quite large.

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Love and Romance

Considering and reconsidering everything

to do with love and romance marriage parenthood

the goings-on of my past the futures of my sons

all that has come and gone all that is still to be

a two-week reconnoitering has tossed me

into a philosophical soup

filled with more questions

than answers.

Where will I go from here?