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No Sun

No sun today no tiny speck of sun

that is to say no ball or ray that I can see

just piles and piles miles and miles

of cloud looking so heavy one

would think it might all fall

to the earth at any moment in

giant blobs and blankets


lying heavily over All

stopping All in our tracks

offering a perfectly good excuse

for eating sleeping and reading

this whole day right away.

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Four Sycamores

Pink orange coral ribbons cross

a lightening blue sky behind the stark black

chaos of bare trees and I wonder why

I am not up before dawn every day why

I am not pouring these colors those shapes

into my small brain for safekeeping

day upon day upon day why

I do not lie on my back in the frosty

grass gazing up at the black sky

with all its stars and its moon why

I do not keep myself in the small room

of four sycamores gathered together

there where they reach up courageously

higher than I could ever dare climb

why I am not there now why

I was not there ten minutes ago why

ever other things seem more pressing

more important more worthy somehow

easier to lose.

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Risking Everything

Shall we mightn’t we risk

everything in this one short
life we have here right here
right now?  Mustn’t we 
love wholly this perfectly imperfect
world those flawed wandering
souls that grand old tree that
tiny finch the very songs of All?

Must’t we love All 
in the fiercest possible way

give our whole tender hearts gladly
wrapped triumphant in knowing
that this risk this love this tearing
open to reveal a beating heart to
give All while we can in this 
brief slip of time is the grandest
most best onliest chance we will
ever have to be real human beings?

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Birthday Calendar

Snow on the ground

sun in the air

birds crowd the feeder

in noisy chaos.

This is the birthday of

a former lover now gone

from my life, tomorrow

of an old friend now gone

from this world.

Two names on a calendar

of birthdays that elicit

only memories now.

People wander in and away

I continue to feed the birds

the sun continues to shine

or hide, snow falls then stops

years roll along piling up in drifts

behind me leaving me

wondering whose name

will mean what on that calendar

this time next year?

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Love a Thing

If you love a thing love it madly.
Love it like a dog loves his toy.
Carry it in and out the door
bring it to the rug and rest your
head upon it while you nap
snatch it from the jaws of others
shake and toss it give it
a thrill ride now and then
continue to want and love it 
long after its ears arms legs
have fallen off long after
you’ve pulled out its squeaker
and all of its stuffing even 
when it is nothing more 
than a rag, love it.
Love it love it love it.
And then love it more.

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It seems a tender little bit of something
to begin a new year on a Sunday
the first day of any week 
in any month of any old year 
a small symmetry that might 
bode well as I like to think
plus my two dogs lie here lovingly
however uncharacteristically 
legs over legs entwined suggesting
if I care to read it so (& let me say 
right here that I do)
a quantity of forbearance 
if not love not to mention that this day
is as sunlit and radiant as any
spring or summer day suggesting
grace and light to come
and in addition the wind does blow
something fierce meaning
(of course) that
ships’ sails will fill and billow
truths will be declared
angels sing in full chorus
as God whispers 
recondite secrets to the trees.  
Ah yes.  This wind that sun
those dogs this Sunday
all signs point 
to an extraordinary year.

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Twenty Twelve

A year ends another begins
and I am reluctant a bit sad
to see this one go loving odd
numbers as I do and in addition
eleven seeming a magical number
a prime and hinting at infinity.
Twelve, a dozen, I suppose has
merit insofar as being sturdy
ordered common a dozen of 
these two dozen of those please
half a dozen of that will do
six of one half a dozen of the other
the clock strikes twelve
noon twelve midnight

twelve apostles twelve months
in a year both this one and the next
oh I’ll learn to love it for itself
Im sure, its reliable balanced
sturdy well-ordered protean self.